The Most Played Scrabble Bingos that End with -ION

When we consider the 2000 most commonly played bingos in Scrabble under the OWL2 word list, we find that the SIXTH most common ending letters for these bingos are the letters -ION. In another article we describe why this is important.

To become a better Scrabble player, you need to increase the number of bingo words that you are capable of playing. An efficient way to do this is to first learn the most commonly played bingos with the most commonly used endings.

The most commonly played bingos that end in -ION are:

1. aeration
2. ideation
3. edition
4. audition
5. elution
6. tuition
7. ovation
8. erasion
9. elation
10. oration
11. enation
12. erosion
13. delation
14. reunion
15. vibrion
16. negation
17. gelation
18. equation
19. elusion
20. relation
21. duration
22. iodation
23. evasion
24. lenition
25. deletion
26. aviation
27. alation
28. venation
29. fruition
30. egestion
31. novation
32. auction
33. lunation
34. emotion
35. pereion
36. preunion
37. election
38. petition
39. donation
40. fetation
41. dotation
42. devotion
43. coition
44. sedation
45. vexation
46. antlion
47. amotion
48. nutation
49. eruption
50. aversion

Many words on this list are common, so you already know them and would play them anyway if the chance arose. But have you ever played VIBRION (a kind of bacterium)? It's #15 on the list.

As usual, the list is in playrank order starting with the most often played word AERATION. Also, this list only applies to games played under the OWL2 word list.

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