The Most Played Scrabble Bingos that End with -IER

You may want to read this article to better understand the purpose of the following list.

The most commonly played bingos that end in -IER are:

1. outlier
2. footier
3. roilier
4. loonier
5. goutier
6. woolier
7. onerier
8. daintier
9. rootier
10. goonier
11. weenier
12. orangier
13. groutier
14. bouvier
15. atelier
16. guiltier
17. uneasier
18. joltier
19. girlier
20. woodier
21. rainier
22. teenier
23. jowlier
24. grainier
25. lintier
26. veinier
27. troutier
28. nearlier
29. leerier
30. auntlier
31. ditzier
32. vaultier
33. hoodier
34. gaudier
35. wedgier
36. untidier
37. toastier
38. hairier
39. goosier
40. twinier
41. lonelier
42. jauntier
43. viewier
44. unrulier
45. floatier
46. weepier
47. towerier
48. sootier
49. roturier
50. leadier

As usual, the list is in playrank order starting with the most often played word OUTLIER. Also, this list only applies to games played under the OWL2 word list.

Note the prevalence of vowels in the bingos, particularly O's and U's. In addition to scoring a lot of points, these words are an excellent way to dump vowels!

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