Letters to Avoid Placing in the Center Square

You have the first move in a game of Scrabble, and you decide to play NOOKS. To maximize your score, you place the "N" on a double letter bonus, which means the "S" ends up on the center square of the board. Your opponent then plays RIPOSTES ending on your "S" so that the "R" is on a triple word score, thus getting a triple word bonus and a bingo! A devastating riposte indeed.

This could have been avoided if you had played NOOKS so that the "O" or the "K" was in the center square, even if it meant a slightly lower score. So... what letters are "safe" to play in the center square? Getting a triple-word bingo on the second move requires forming an 8-letter word. Thus to be safe on the first move, we want to place a letter in the center square that is unlikely to start or end an 8-letter word.

The list below shows the number of times a given letter begins or ends a playable 8-letter word (under OWL2). The closer a letter is to the top of the list, the worse it is to place that letter in the center square on the first move. As one might expect, the clear worst choice of letter for the center square is "S". Surprisingly, "C" is also a bad choice.

As a general rule: it is safer to play letters with high value in the center square, vowels that are not "E" or "A", and the consonants "N" and "L".

count letter  value
----- ------ ------

13799    s      1
 4896    d      2
 4527    e      1
 3813    r      1
 3389    t      1
 3384    c      3
 3207    g      2
 2448    p      3
 2211    a      1
 2099    m      3
 1957    b      3
 1862    l      1
 1850    y      4
 1664    n      1
 1468    h      4
 1416    f      4
 1168    o      1
  899    u      1
  867    i      1
  850    w      4
  674    k      5
  508    v      4
  225    j      8
  163    q      10
  100    z      10
   88    x      8

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